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更新时间:2025-03-10 22:34:17
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1. We wonder how it sounded to the bureaucrats assigned to safeguard our food safety when they learned that melamine has resurfaced in the dairy market.

wonder food

1. Wonder why photos for the food turn out pretty pale...

2. I wonder if you have time to have a Chinese food with me.

3. wonder food的解释

3. Tjaden, a locksmith, is a voracious eater but remains thin as a rail, making Paul wonder where all the food goes to on his skinny frame.
Tjaden ,锁匠,是一个贪婪的吃,但仍薄的铁路,使保罗难怪所有的食物去他瘦框架。

4. wonder food什么意思

4. So you may wonder how much functional Omega 6 we can get from highly processed oil or cooked food.

5. Anyway, I wonder whether food safety in China is now improving.

6. You may wonder how so much food could be got through by such a small child.

7. No wonder you like hot food.

8. I do not agree, I can take it out every night looking for food, I wonder if this approach work?

9. wonder food

9. You would wonder how so much food could be got through by such a small child.

10. Yet few of us are conscious of the process and we rarely stop to wonder how food reaches our plates.

11. Jean: I know that Sichuan dishes are very hot. But I wonder why Sichuan people like hot food as the weather there is hot enough.

12. Convenience food inside the house can enjoy in different forms, but the price is far lower than the traditional pizza, especially the 5 yuan from the 6-inch personal pizza has become home Xiao Yu households wonder of Genesis, to better meet the preferences of different groups of people; Italian noodle, grilled cheese baked rice is even more exotic Italian smelling intoxicated; delicious rice and all kinds of Teppanyaki favorite allows you to linger; another have all kinds of beverages, ice cream, optional packages, all kinds of snacks is silver, everything for your first taste of.
美食便利屋内都能以不同的形式享用,但是价位却远远低于传统的比萨店,尤其是 5 元起的 6 寸个人比萨更是成为家喻户哓的创世纪奇迹,更能满足不同人群的喜好;意大利面、起司焗烤饭等意大利异国风味更令人闻香陶醉;美味盖浇饭及各式铁板烧让您留连忘返;另外还有各式饮料、冰淇淋、自选套餐、各式小吃真是琳琅满目,应有尽有,让您一次尝个够。

13. So if the kitchen cupboards are suddenly brimming with snacks and food it's no wonder blokes are tempted to tuck in as well.

14. I Wonder whether the filters high temperature oil is the food oil filter paper that you need or no?

15. wonder food什么意思

15. Next day I walked from house to house again, looking in vain for work. I was now very weak from lack of food, and I began to wonder why I should struggle to stay alive, when I did not want to live.


16. Just some food for thought, but I wonder what will happen April 1st.

17. Sickened by the mere smell of food I suddenly saw the wonder in the most common foods: an egg a hard-boiled egg.

18. These squirmy larvae are science's newest wonder-cure and were approved in2003 as the Food & Drug Administration's only live medical device.

19. wonder food

19. Now, to debunk some of the mystery surrounding this wonder food.

20. wonder food

20. Pinterest recipe boards. Facebook photos of your friends'lunches. Late-night TV ads for takeout pizza. With images of food saturating our lives 24-7, it's no wonder so many of us are constantly craving the real thing.

If you have to wonder whether you'll have food or rent, or worry about abuse or crime, then it's difficult to reach your full potential.(如果你不得不操心盘中餐、房上瓦,不得不随时提防虐待和犯罪,你就很难充分发挥自己的潜力。)
If the kitchen cupboards are suddenly brimming with snacks and food, it's no wonder blokes are tempted to tuck in as well.(如果厨房的橱柜里突然摆满了零食和食物,难怪男人们也会忍不住大吃特吃。)
I remember you are the kind of person who prefers sweet food, no wonder you are so happy about receiving the northern zongzi.(我记得你是个偏爱甜食的人,难怪你那么高兴今年收到北方粽。)
By the late 18th century it was being hailed as a wonder-food-for the poor, at least.(到了18世纪晚期,马铃薯被人们冠以“神奇食物”的美称——至少对穷人而言是如此。)
[The statement], "Our food products are safe, " offered without preamble or explanation, will make people wonder why you are making the statement.(“我们的食物产品是安全的”,这句话既没有前言也没有解释,只会使人们感到困惑(你为何做出这一声明)。)
But I wonder: What about food?(但我想知道:粮食问题呢?)
The public can't help but wonder: what's wrong with the food?(公众不禁怀疑:食品到底怎么了?)
It's no wonder that we have such a difficult time making healthy food choices when everywhere we turn there's a new doctrine of nutrition.(毫无疑问,当到处都充斥着新营养主义的时候,我们对健康食物的选择变得困难。)
Candice: Oh no! All that food I prepared for the weekend, it will all be ruined. No wonder you're upset.(坎迪斯:噢,不!我为周末准备的所有食物都没了,怪不得你如此沮丧。)
Now, to debunk some of the mystery surrounding this wonder food.(现在,让我们来稍稍揭秘一下这种神奇食物上的神秘光环吧。)
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